WJML   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WJML

The Fifth Beatle
Tom Griswold   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Griswold
Links to other places
on the web
Rob Hazelton   https://robhazelton.com/
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This cryptic update refrences contributions heard but not recognised to be part of the whole. George Martin was a huge part of making the musical sound of the Beatles but was behind the scenes. Like George Martin there were many voices heard on commercials that were JML staff members but never got name recognition.

Paul Crockett was an often heard voice.  Paul was hired to write ad copy and spent most of his time in the Perry Davis Hotel but occasionally he'd find himself at the studio and when I needed another voice he'd jump in as a straight man, or as a character voice or impression, so I started writing commercials with him in mind. Then Paul started writing commercial parodies for other clients. Here's a sampling of some of his work. Some of the immpressions may be puzzeling since they were contemporary personalities and you may have to pull up a Youtube clip to hear the parodied artist.  You'll hear Paul briefly at 1:50 of  Dee Lawton's last day show, as he jumps in during my interview with her. 
Go to the Paul Crockett Collection